Charitable Status

It seems such a long time ago now…

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In September 2010ce, The Druid Network was informed by the Charity Commission for England and Wales that it had met the requirements for registration as a charitable organisation under the ‘religious’ heading, operating in the public benefit.

Subsequently, The Druid Network was formally registered by the Charities Commission (Charity No 1138265).

In this section we have collected information, links, articles and press releases from the time relevant to this significant step-change in Druid and Pagan recognition in the UK.

It is interesting a decade or so later to note that, despite a few cynical comments on social media about tax free options, TDN has continued largely unaltered by this charitable status. What has changed are all the small but important perceptions from the non-Druid world, about Druidry itself. As we transferred from the ‘weird outsider’ to ‘acceptable alternative’, all of Druidry and paganism in general became viewed in a new and largely more positive light.

The quest for seeking charitable status was driven by legislation rather than choice, and later by a stubborn refusal to be discounted as inadmissible. Overall though, the outcome was worth the effort. TDN remains very grateful for the assistance and support of many people both inside and outside the Druid traditions… and they know who they are.

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