A Ritual for Reconnection

Intention: The intention behind this ritual is reconnection. That is, to reconnect us with our spiritual path, reconnect us with ourselves and/or the spirits, ancestors and gods around us. It is to help heal us and bring us back onto our path when we feel lost, disconnected, or like ‘bad pagans / druids / whatever label works for you’. It is designed to be done in as rustic or as elaborate a fashion as required.

You might decide to do this ritual on your lunch break whilst sat at your desk, with little more than yourself and your inner grove. You may equally decide to do it in full regalia – with a bag full of ritual tools in a local field or woods under the moonlight. Whatever you need – let the ritual speak to you and come out of you in a way that allows our inner intuition lead. Adapt, shift and revisit, as necessary.  


  1. Gather four references to the four elements. If using tools/objects, collect a candle (and lighter), a candle holder, a small dish of salt or some local earth or a rock, some incense (and lighter), a fan or bell, a seashell or small bottle of local water. If not – muster and have ready inner images/ totems of earth, air, fire and water.  
  2. Gather representations of your gods and ancestors – either physical or muster their representations in your minds’ eye.  
  3. Procure an offering – this can be something physical like water, food, jewellery or incense or something immaterial such as a song, chant, poem or memory.  

The Ritual  

1.Prepare yourself and the space. This can be as simple as organising and sorting your desk and taking four deep, mindful breaths with your eyes closed. You might also like to purify the area with incense, water or a mixture of salt and water sprinkled around the space in an anti-clockwise direction.

I also like to take off my clothes and change into something more comfy, some more ‘spiritual’ clothing. I then ground out any excess energy by laying or sitting as close to the earth as possible. I then visualise a taproot extending out the bottom of my spine and into the earth.

Excess energy is then invited to pass out down the taproot back into the earth in the form of yellowish white light. I then respectfully take in energy from the earth back up the taproot and allow it to gather in my hands and fingertips in my minds’ eye. Drink in what you need with gratitude. Remember you’re here to heal and reconnect.  

2.Cast the circle. At this point I like to shoot out that energy gathered from the earth out through the tips of my fingers and in a circular orb around me in a clockwise motion. You can keep it as simple as turning around clockwise and visualising the space around you becoming calmer and clearer – more fertile for the work to come. You might also use a wand, staff or athame to direct the energy.

3.Invite divinity. Close your eyes. Visualise your gods individually. Feel their energy as well as noticing how they look, sound and hold themselves. What form do they take? Which ones are you drawn to today? Respond to their call.

Invite them into your space with you. You can do this solely internally, or say some words, with your heart open, arms out-stretched, palms facing towards the sky. I like to start with a solitary version of The Druid’s Vow:

I swear, by peace and love to stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand. Mark, o’ spirits and hear me now, confirming this, my sacred vow’  

Then formally invite your ancestors and gods. This can be out loud, or again by engaging with an internal beckoning and inviting. You might like to try saying:  

‘Oh, great Goddess, lady of the moon, I invite you to join me in this space’  

Or something similar. Now invite your ancestors to bear witness. Again, can be solely internal, or you could go with:  

‘Great ancestors of blood and of spirit – join me here in this space’  

Evoke the Awen. My preferred method of achieving this is through chanting it three times; each time drawing a full intake of air in through the nose before releasing it gently and with intention… Aaaaa-oooo-eeeeen. Aaaaa-oooo-eeeen. Aaaa-oooo-eeeen. Feel the Awen become present within and around you.  

4.Reconnect. Face north. Muster the totem inside of earth. And/or grab your bowl of earth or salt. Feel it in your hand, smell the salt or earth with deep, grateful breaths. Taste the salt or a sprinkling of the earth. Be with earth.

Face east. Muster the totem inside of air. And/or light your incense hold your fan or bell. Smell the incense, fan the air around your face, ring the bell by your ear. Be with air.  

Face south. Muster the totem of fire. And/or light your candle. Gaze at the flame. Quickly and safely place your finger across it. Smell the burning wick. Place it safely in its holder somewhere stable. 

Face west. Muster the totem of water. And/or use your bottle of water and dab some water on your hands, face, feet. Taste a drop on your tongue – smell the water – listen to it as you shake the bottle. Hold your seashell close. Feel it, taste it, smell it.  

Let the elements whirl, push pull and be around you. Drink them in and push them out. You are part of them. They are in you and outside of you.  

  1. Give your offering. Offer a feeling or memory, or offer your song, food or object. Proclaim this internally or by speaking aloud that this is for your gods, your ancestors and the elements.
  2. Sit in the space. Simply sit. Reflect. Allow the elements, your gods and your ancestors to ‘hold you’ and feel safe, contained and held in the circle you’ve cast. This is your path, your spirituality, your religion. It is there to challenge you and help you progress. But it’s also there to nourish you, be there for you, make you excited to be alive. If your offering is one of food, eat some yourself, enjoy sharing with those present. If it is one of song or incense – listen and enjoy the music yourself too- breathe in the incense and experience it. Stay here as long as you need. Take in the space. Give some of yourself back to it. 
  3. When you’re ready, close the space. Invite your gods and the ancestors to leave or remain as per their wish. You can do this with something simple such as: 

‘Great goddess, lady of the moon, I thank you for your presence in my ritual this day. I invite you to leave or stay as you wish. Hail and farewell.’ 

‘Ancestors of blood and of spirit, I thank you for your presence with me in this sacred space today. I invite you to leave or stay as you wish. Hail and farewell’. 

You might find it fitting to begin these proclamations with your arms outstretched – and slowly close up your arms to aid in the psychological closing of the space. 

Egrets fly west across the River Severn © Mark Rosher / bish

Close the circle – you might do this by thanking and asking the totems of each element to leave the circle – internally or by collecting up the objects one by one. You might also do this anti-clockwise, as is traditional for closing. 

Close the circle itself – draw up the line of energy cast out at the start up through your hands or ritual tool and back up into your body. 

  1. Ground. You could do what I do and send the energy respectfully through your ‘taproot’ down into the earth. Shake it off by shaking your hands and feet. Eat something. Breathe. But take this sense of connection with you. Revisit the intention of this ritual. Repeat as necessary. 

Written by Sungoose October 2023 

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