Storm God

by Greycat 

The huge storm last week reminded me forcibly of what deity REALLY is, in terms of all-out inexorable forces. I sat inside, listening to the wind whistle down the chimney, rattle the windows and finally fell a huge yew tree next door (fortunately nobody was hurt!). I was helpless – what could I do in the face of this force that was dancing, kicking and twirling across the hilltop, absolutely ignoring anything in its path, with no sense of value, loss or life except its own? Total loss of rational control on my part.

The sheer OOMPH of the winds and rains struck me that this was deity, if there ever was one: something we honour and hope doesn’t hurt us – but which I finally went and stood outside in, feeling it whip through me, pound me, rattle my head like the remaining trees, but likewise being forced to bend. It stole my breath (literally), messed me up physically, but made me dance and laugh with it, just giving in to it – what else could I do?

I did want to share here though, as although this is very hard to put into words, the elemental and ultimate power really was undeniable. It made me wake up that bit more.

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