Samhain Ritual

Sent in by Andrew Sutcliffe July 2014

You will need some braided cord ,we used wool for ours, incense of your choice.

(Call the Awen)

(Cast the circle)

The circle is cast, This is hallowed ground,and we are between the worlds of the seen and the unseen.

(burn incense and says poem)

The veil is thinned, the moon is bright, and i blend this magic on Samhain night.

Celebrating life death and rebirth, with these herbs i have harvested from the earth,

i send my intended by smoke into the air, and call upon those whose blood i share,

i call upon the gods and goddesses, to guide and watch over us.

so mote it be

(Calling the quarters)


Spirits of the east- spirits of air-source of breath- you are with us at the beginning and depart with us when we leave this realm.

Hail and welcome.


Spirits of the south-spirits of fire—source of transforming flame,your brilliant spark guides us through the cycles of life.

Hail and welcome


Spirits of the west-spirits of water-place of deep wells and underground springs-you carry us through the ebbs and flows of life on your never ending tides.

Hail and welcome


Spirits of the north-spirits of earth-place of silent caverns-you nourish us in life and wrap your welcoming body around us in death.

Hail and welcome

This is the night when the gateway between
our world and the spirit world is thinnest.
Tonight is a night to call out those who came before us.
And Welcome them into our circle
Tonight we honour our ancestors. Those we knew and those we never met,

(ask to close eyes and join hands)


Spirits of our ancestors, we call to you,

and we welcome you to join us for this night.

We know you watch over us always,

protecting us and guiding us,

and tonight we thank you.

Samhain is a time of transition as the earth prepares for the winters rest and we prepare for our journey through the dark of the year. Samhain is a time to reflect and remember our loved ones who dwell beyond the veil in the summerlands. They are gone but live on within us and those of us yet to come, we will take a moment to remember them at this time, if anybody wishes to read anything or say anything, please do so

(Let people say names and poems, and hand out the cords)


Mother of darkness,these names we shared

Of those we love now in your care

Guide them gently with love so sweet

Blessed be until we meet

When you go home tonight,place the cord in some special place and remember the happy times you shared with them.

To those whose feet are stilled

And those who laugh with us no more

To you we say,our love was with you here

And goes with you now,to that place

Where you rest and take delight.

May your feet walk along those paths,to the summerlands

That place where all is fresh and green

Where family,friends and ancestors wait with open arms to greet you

Go in peace,and with our blessings

Be rested amongst your own this eve

This one night this samhain,with countless turns of the wheel

We miss you,we think of you,we remember you

And we will meet again when the wheel turns for us

Pray be there to greet us in the summerlands

We will walk the paths together

Our kinsmen

Our ancestors

Our beloved dead.

It is time to bid farewell to the spirits of our loved ones as we prepare to go back to our everyday life.Close your eyes and take time to let your energy flow down through your body,down through you and into mother earth.feel her balance bring you to centre


(Join hands)

Dark mother, ancient and enduring one, guide us, watch over us and our loved ones both here and departed.We stand at this gateway with you and thankyou for your gifts of restoration and renewal. Blessed be


Spirits of the north-mother earth-at our journeys end may we return to rest in your loving cradle,we thank you for your presence this night,stay if you will,go if you must,hail and farewell


Spirits of the west-water of life-you sustain us and nourish us as we grow,we thankyou for your presence this night,stay if you will,go if you must,hail and farewell


Spirits of the south-fire of renewal-like a brilliant sun you warm us and remain forever a guiding light, we thankyou for your presence this night,stay if you will,go if you must,hail and farewell


Spirits of the east-Breath of life-you carry us through our lives as a constant companion to the rhythm of our hearts we thankyou for your presence this night,stay if you will, go if you must, hail and farewell

If we fear death we cannot fully live, and if we fear life we will not find solace in death, every beginning has an ending and every ending has a beginning, The wheel of the year has turned once more as do the cycles of our lives.

Peace and blessed be

(Reopen circle)

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again

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