Heathen wedding and family joining

This was written by Potia for a legal wedding that took place in Scotland in June 2009. The beings invited were chosen by the couple and calls written by the celebrant who isn’t with input from the couple.  One of the couple had children from a former marriage and the family joining section was something both wanted to do for the children. 

Heathen Wedding ceremony 

When ready to begin celebrant strikes staff three times on ground.

Celebrant: We have gathered here today to celebrate the union of XXXX and YYYY.

I ask that we all put aside other concerns and focus on celebrating this special day with them and witnessing their vows to each other with peace and love in our hearts.

I turn now to the Spirits of this Place, the land we are on and the river flowing beside us, I thank you for welcoming us here today and ask that you hold us all safely within your presence and join with us as we witness the wedding vows of XXXX and YYYY.

Let the wedding party now approach.

Approach and Challenge:

Groom walks forward with best man. Celebrant blocks the way with her staff.

Celebrant: Who are you and why do you come to this place?

Best Man: I am NNN and I bring YYYY to this place to be married to XXXX.

Celebrant: YYYY, do you come here of your own free will to be married this day to XXXX?

YYYY: I do

Celebrant: Then step forward and await your chosen bride

YYYY and NNN step onto the decking and take their places

XXXX walks forward led by MMM sprinkling rose petal. Celebrant blocks the way with her staff.

Celebrant: Who are you and why do you come to this place?

Bridesmaid: I am MMM and I come to this place with XXXX who wishes to be married to YYYY.

Celebrant: XXXX, do you come here of your own free will to be married this day to YYYY?

XXXX: I do

Celebrant: Then step forward and join your chosen groom.

XXXX and bridal party step forward and take their places

Invitations and Libation to the Gods

Call to Sif:

On behalf of XXXX and YYYY standing here before us I call out to you golden haired Sif, Lady of the Aesir, Mistress of hearth and home, Swan Maiden, beloved of mighty Thor. I ask that you join us here today to bear witness to the vows that XXXX and YYYY will make this day.

Call to Freya:

On behalf of XXXX and YYYY standing here before us I call out to you loving and valiant Freya, possessor of Sessrúmnir, of the Gib-Cats, and of Brísingamen; Lady of the Vanir, Goddess of Love. I ask that you join us here today to bear witness to the vows that XXXX and YYYY will make this day.

Call to Odin:

On behalf of XXXX and YYYY standing here before us I call out to you Mighty Odin, All-Father, Master of Valhalla, Possessor of Sleipnir, Friend of Ravens and Wolves, discoverer of runes and practitioner of magics. I ask that you join us here today to bear witness to the vows that XXXX and YYYY will make this day.

Call to Thor:

On behalf of XXXX and YYYY standing here before us I call out to you red haired and bearded Thor, Lord of Thunder, slayer of giants, warrior and protector. I ask that you join us here today to bear witness to the vows that XXXX and YYYY will make this day.

Call to Var:

On behalf of XXXX and YYYY standing here before us I call out to you Var. Under your eyes the vows between men and women are made, it is you who punishes those who break these oaths. I ask that you join us here today to bear witness to the vows that XXXX and YYYY will make this day.

Call to the Disir:

On behalf of XXXX and YYYY standing here before us I call out to the Disir of their lines, those female spirits that protect and guide their families. I ask that you join us here today to bear witness to the vows that XXXX and YYYY will make this day.

Call to the Norns:

On behalf of XXXX and YYYY standing here before us I call out to the Norns; Urðr ‘that which has become’; Verðandi ‘that which is in the process of becoming’; and Skuld ‘that which should necessarily be’. I ask that you join us here today to bear witness to the vows that XXXX and YYYY will make this day.

Celebrant: On behalf of all gathered here and especially XXXX and YYYY we offer this libation of mead to the Gods and spirits we have invited to join us.

MMM: May you be refreshed and warmed by our offering.

MMM pours out mead for the gods and other wights in the space.

Celebrant: I now ask ZZZZ to come forward and share the first reading with us.

First reading from ZZZZ

Exchange of Swords

Celebrant: In times gone by the Clans of Alba and the families of the Viking lands lived under the protection of the swords of their warriors. The sword is both a weapon and a symbol of protection and strength. A gift of a sword showed great honour to the recipient as well as great trust. It is in this spirit of honour and protection that XXXX and YYYY have chosen to exchange swords.

XXXX: I give this sword to you that you may join with me to protect our home and children.

YYYY: I give this sword to you that you may fight at my side as my equal and my love.

The Making of Oaths

Celebrant: An Oath is a sacred thing. To make an oath before one’s family and one’s Gods is to make an oath that should be kept if at all possible. In ancient times Vikings used an oath-ring to swear oaths upon. This is a ring that becomes a physical symbol of the oaths sworn upon it. XXXX and YYYY have chosen to use an oath-ring to make their wedding vows on.

XXXX and YYYY are you ready to make your vows in the presence of family, friends and your gods?

XXXX and YYYY: We are.

Celebrant: Then step forward and take hold of the ring as you make your vows.

YYYY: I, YYYY make these vows to you XXXX before all here and in the presence of our gods…

(rest in own words)

XXXX: I, XXXX make these vows to you YYYY before all here and in the presence of our gods…

(rest in own words)

Celebrant: These smaller rings are a reminder of the oath-ring on which you have made your vows. They symbolize the union in which your two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle, in which, wherever you go, you will always return to one another in your togetherness.

YYYY please take the ring for XXXX and place it on her finger repeating after me:

I, YYYY take you XXXX to be my wife in the presence of all here. With this ring I join my life to yours.

Celebrant: XXXX please take the ring for YYYY and place it on his finger repeating after me:

I, XXXX take you YYYY to be my husband in the presence of all here. With this ring I join my life to yours.

Celebrant: It is my privilege to declare before all present seen and unseen that XXXX and YYYY are now husband and wife.

You may now kiss.

(Kissing and cheering)

Signing of the Register

Celebrant: While we sign the register I would like to ask ZZZZ to come forward and share the second reading with us.

Family Promises

Celebrant: At this time XXXX and YYYY wish all present here to witness promises they would like to make to their children. Names can you come forward please and join your parents.

Children join their parents.

Celebrant: XXXX and YYYY have chosen to use the oath ring to make their promises to names so I would like all of them to take hold or touch the oath ring.

Children and XXXX and YYYY take hold of the ring. XXXX and YYYY make promises to children.

Celebrant: As family and friends we often turn to each other for support through our lives and so I ask each of you here to respond out loud to my next question. Are you also willing to support XXXX and YYYY and their children as they walk forward in their life together?

All (hopefully): We are or Yes.

Celebrant: As a reminder of this day XXXX and YYYY has special gifts for their children.

Presentation of boxes

Celebrant: On behalf of all here, and especially the family standing before us, I thank the gods: Sif; Freya; Odin; Thor and Var for joining us for this ceremony and witnessing the promises made. On behalf of all here, I also thank the Disir, the Norns and the spirits of this land and the river flowing by us for their presence.

Let us now all depart this place in love and peace.

Celebrant strikes staff three times on decking to signal end of rite. The piper will start and XXXX, YYYY and the children will leave the decking area and move inside for a short break before returning for any photos.

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