Llyn Hydd’s Alban Hefin Rite

This rite was crafted by Llyn Hydd Grove in Pennsylvania for Alban Hefin, the Summer Solstice. It is based upon the Alban Hefin rite of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids.

ROLES: Herald, North, East, South, West, Druid 1 (stands near the East), Druid (stands near the West)2, Water Bearer, Fire Bearer, Oak Bearer, Sword Bearer, Ecstatic 1, Ectstatic 2, Sun worshipper. (Roles of the Druids should be taken by persons with strong experience in leading ritual.)

PREPARE: A small table (altar) in the center of the ritual space, candle, incense, bowl of water. Also, an Oak crown and a sword. Light the candle and the incense before the ritual begins. Participants may wear robes, or not, as they wish.


Each person enters from the West and circles Sunwise to salute the East before taking their place.

HERALD: By the power of star and stone,
By the power of the land within and without,
By all that is Fair and Free,
We welcome you to this Ritual of Alban Hefin,
In the LlynHydd Grove.

WEST: We have come from East and West, North and South to be here together today.

DRUID 2: Let us take three breaths . . .
Together with the Earth beneath us . . .
Together with the Sky above us . . .
Together with the Sea around us . . .

NORTH: With the blessings of Earth, Sea and Sky may our ceremony begin!

DRUID 1: (Saluting the East and facing outwards) O Great Spirit/Spirit/God(s)/Goddess(es)(Choose a term you feel comfortable with) we greet you, and honor you, and ask your blessings! (Face inwards) O Spirit of this place, O Spirit of this circle, we ask for your blessings, your guidance, and your inspiration for this our ceremony.

DRUID 2: Let us begin by giving peace to the quarters, for without peace can no work be.
(Moving to salute each direction in turn, crossing the center of the circle, then returning to place in the West)
May there be Peace in the North.
May there be Peace in the South.
May there be Peace in the East.
May there be Peace in the West.

ALL: May there be Peace throughout the whole world.

DRUID 1: Let us join in the prayer that unites all Druids:

Grant, O Spirit, thy protection,
and in protection strength,
and in strength understanding,
and in understanding knowledge,
and in knowledge the knowledge of justice,
and in the knowledge of justice the love of it,
and in the love of it the love of all existences,
and in the love of all existences,
the love of Spirit and of all goodness.

ALL: (Chant) Awen, Awen, Awen. (Ahh-oo-en)

DRUID 1: Let all disturbing thoughts be laid aside. (Walks circle sunwise, while Druid 2 says…)

DRUID 2: The circle of our horizon – of our lives and lands, of time and of the year, of seasons and goodness, of birth and growing, of dying and rebirth . . . As this circle is cast, the enchantment of the apparent world subsides. We stand together in the eye of the Sun here and now, between past and future. This is sacred time. This is sacred space.

DRUID 1: Now let us consecrate this circle with Water and with Fire.

WATER BEARER: May our circle be blessed with the Element of Water. (moves sunwise sprinkling water)

FIRE BEARER: May our circle be blessed with the Element of Fire. (moves sunwise wafting incense.)

DRUID 1: We gather as equals, in our physical form here upon the Earth. Each Presence is a blessing, and with every breath we take we breathe life and light into this circle.

DRUID 2: Let the four directions be honored, and let the gateways of the Quarters be opened, that power and radiance might enter our circle for the good of all beings.

EAST: (turning and facing outwards) With the blessing of the hawk of dawn soaring in the pure air, we call upon the powers of the East.

SOUTH: (turning and facing outwards) With the blessing of the great stag in the heat of the chase, and the inner fire of the sun, we call upon the powers of the South.

WEST: (turning and facing outwards) With the blessing of the salmon of wisdom who dwells in the sacred waters of the pool, we call upon the powers of the West.

NORTH: (turning and facing outwards) With the blessing of the great bear of the starry heavens and the deep and fruitful earth, we call upon the powers of the North.

All four then turn in to face the circle.

ALL: May the harmony of our circle be complete.


EAST: We are gathered at this Place of Light, in the eye of the sun, to celebrate the Summer Solstice.

SOUTH: I proclaim the festival of Alban Hefin: The Light of the Summer – at this time of the Solstice.

WEST: The greatest of all the feasts of fire, beloved of the Faerie folk.

NORTH: The time of triumph of the green of the land.

SOUTH: I proclaim the time of highest light.

WEST: We are met here at this time of the longest days of the year to celebrate the zenith of the Sun. We come together to honor a great mystery – that every zenith contains its nadir, as every nadir its zenith. We come together to celebrate the power of light, and warmth, and Summer.

EAST: The Sun which has warmed and lighted us through the Wheel of the Year seems to stand still for several days. This is the time of Great Light.

HERALD: (Here you may wish to compose your own salutation to the Sun)
Greeting to you, Sun of the seasons
as you travel the skies on high,
with your strong step on the wing of the heights.
You are the happy mother of the stars.
You sink down in the perilous ocean
without harm and without hurt.
You rise up on the quiet wave
like a young queen in flower. (from the Carmina Gadelica)

WEST: May the Ancient Wisdom of our Druid heritage, that deep source of Eternal Truth, held within our lands and our people, be warmed by the Inner Light of the Sun, whose power on this day we acknowledge. Let us together, united by a bond of love, radiate peace and harmony into the world; sending healing to this Earth, our Home, our Mother, for the sake of our children and all Life.

Now, any participant who wishes is offered the opportunity to step forward into the center of the circle to partake of the magic of the time and place or to ask that their companions bear witness as they make or reaffirm a vow, announce a life change or a new name, call for inspiration, etc.

DRUID 1: Now let those step forward, one at a time, who would stand at the center of this sacred place, in the eye of the Sun, and within the circle of their companions.

When all who wish have done so . . .

OAK BEARER: (steps to center) At this crown of the year, at the center of this ancient land, I hail the King of the Trees.

(Lifts up Oak Crown) I praise the glory of the Oak, the lover of the lightning, the giver of shade at burning noon. At this time of your greatest strength I unite your life with this circle, so marking the zenith of the year.

SWORD BEARER: (steps to center) At this time of highest light, (raising sword, hilt upward)I raise this blade that was born in fire as a bridge between heaven and earth.

Oak Bearer lowers crown onto sword hilt, and they walk together sunwise around the circle displaying the crowned sword, then retun to their places.

The Ecstatics step to the center.

ECSTATIC 1: The eye of the great gods
ECSTATIC 2: The eye of the gods of glory
ECSTATIC 1: The eye of the queen of hosts
ECSTATIC 2: The eye of the king of the living
ECSTATIC 1: Light pouring upon us, at each time and season
ECSTATIC 2: Light pouring upon us, gently and generously
ECSTATIC 1: Glory to thee, thou glorious Sun!
ECSTATIC 2: Glory to thee, thou Sun, face of the gods of life!

(freely adapted from the Carmina Gadelica)

SUN WORSHIPPER: May our reawakened vision know the true beauty and passion that is life! (dances around the circle)

DRUID 2: In these days of greatest light we stand in celebration. May the Sun that is the Inspirer shine within our hearts. Let us sing to the triumphant Sun the Sacred word. May our voices be heard in the heavens!

ALL: Cascading Awens.

DRUID 2: May the power of this moment inspire us, here at the rebirth of the light. May our lives and hearts be filled with joy!


DRUID 2: Now it is the hour of recall. As the fire dies down (extinguish candle on the altar) let it be relit in our hearts. May our memories hold what the eye and ear have gained.

DRUID 1: Let us make the Druid pledge of unity with one another.

ALL: (three times, pausing between each)
We swear by peace and love to stand,
heart to heart and hand in hand.
Mark, O Spirit, hear us now,
confirming this, our sacred vow.

DRUID 1: May the spirits of the four directions be thanked for their blessings.

NORTH: (turning outward) In the name of the great bear of the starry heavens and the element of earth, we thank the powers of the North.

WEST: (turning outward) In the name of the salmon of wisdom and the element of fire, we thanks the powers of the West.

SOUTH: (turning outward) In the name of the great stag and the element of fire, we thank the powers of the South.

EAST: (turning outward) In the name of the hawk of dawn and the element of air, we thank the powers of the East.

(All turn inward again)

ALL: May the harmony of the land be complete.

Circle is uncast, counter-sunwise

DRUID 1: May the blessings of the (Goddess/God/Spirit/Great Spirit) be always with us. I declare this ceremony of Alban Hefin closed in the apparent world. May its inspiration continue within our beings. Blessed be as blessed is.

ALL: Blessed be as blessed is.

Moving counter-sunwise, all exit at the West.

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