Call to Brighid

This Call to Brighid, written by Siusaidh of Caer Clud Grove, is taken from a Handfasting ceremony and could be suitably used at Imbolc, a time when Brighid is honoured by many. At this time of the year we are seeing the Sun gradually grow in strength day by day.

Often we see the Sun as male and the Moon as female, but I don’t think this needs to be; here in this call, the Sun Goddess Bridget is questioning the intent of the Moon God and when she is sure he is going to stay loyal, she ‘allows’ him to come closer and join her. A priest or members of the Grove may make the response on behalf of Her Consort.


Listen to the words of the Goddess Brighid who I invoke to speak through her servant and Priestess.

Loving mother to us all, bringer of inspiration, poetry and all goodness,
By the roar of the sea, and the power of the wind.
By the heat of the Sun, and the cool of the Moon.
By the strength within nature, and the now never-ending cycle of life.
I ask that you descend and speak to us.

Brighid speaks:

I am the flame burning in the hearth,
I am the fire in which the blacksmith forge the steel.
To me is the light of the fire kept burning through the year,
Many are the Priestess who tend my flame!
Will you come to me through the fire?
Will you be at one with me who is both death and rebirth?
But look at me, I am the heat of terror, the charred remains at dawn,
Yet I am the fresh flicker of new life!
But without you I am cold and dark,
Will you come to me as healing Lord, bathed in silver light?
Bringing with you white light through the darkness?
Then as Lord of healing, Father Moon,
Will you touch me at dawn and dusk,
Will you join me so that our two will become one?
Will you circle me with safety and bring light to my darkest hour?

Siusaidh Ceanadach

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