First Meeting

Moonlight glanced in silver sheen
upon the field that flanked the Tor,
as if the shimmering summer ev’n
had something magical or more
than magic to impart
to such a meeting of the heart.

Across the field, from out the wood,
in silence, eye to eye they stood:
each, barely, in the other’s face
the signs of fear and wonder trace!
The Lady, in th’ enchanted mist
by silver moonlight gently kissed;

the Tinner, of a younger lore,
from distant realm and foreign shore.
So different are they on this night,
so strangely matched to any sight,
And yet, so very much the same.
So to the silvered field they came.

The looming Tor its shadow throws,
the water in the Blood Spring flows,
as elder host meets younger guest,
each wonders are they cursed, or blessed?

Walter William Melnyk (OakWyse)

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