PCLD13: Quickening Moon

Unit Thirteen

This unit will only fit into the calendar every four years, when another moon slips into the cycle of the sun. It will be obvious where it fits in, and such a month is a blessing and a drag, considered both lucky in some cultures and unlucky in others. Dismissing the constraints of superstition, this moon is an opportunity to find where we are upon our journey: to review. Instead of the same guidelines used in other units, the Quickening Moon has just two.

Review: The Trail
Although the Quickening Moon comes every four years, at each of these moons we review the past seven years. The reason for this is that every seven years we have renewed through regeneration every cell in our bodies. The new may be crafted by the instructions of the old, but change, healing, adaptation make significant alterations.
Spend time through this moon considering and writing a review of the past seven years, thinking about the physical changes that have happened in your life, and the emotional and spiritual journey that you have been walking. When you have done it, check what you retain in your life that is older than seven years. Is it necessary to keep it? How long is the visible and tangible trail you are leaving (dragging) behind you? Make sure that you release what can be released. Make sure you are living with as much freedom as you can.

Ethics: Honour
How well we know middle Welsh, the Brehon Laws, the celestial alignments of Stonehenge, does not measure us as valuable members of the Druid community, nor as worthy human beings. It is how we live that measures our worth.
In Druidry we live by a code of honour, but what does ‘honour’ mean? Like love and truth, it is both a word and a way of life that we continue to learn throughout our lives, repeatedly coming to a deeper level of comprehension. Through the units of this course, each section on ethics guides towards an understanding of honour, but this moon is an opportunity to review your own understanding, knowing that through time this will only get deeper.

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