TDN and Interfaith

The Druid Network is an inclusive organisation and welcomes positive discussion on the diversity of faith and belief. As the saying goes, we are tolerant of everything except intolerance.

The Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom (IFN)

The Inter Faith Network for the UK works to promote understanding, cooperation and good relations between organisations and persons of different faiths in the UK. The Druid Network is a Full IFN Member.

On October 19th 2016, after serving a probationary two year period The Druid Network was admitted to the Inter Faith Network as a full voting member. This was the culmination of over 4 years of work that included both legal and moral challenges to the Inter Faith Networks’ previous admittance policy and was even deemed important enough to have been discussed at the House of Lords.

TDN’s full IFN membership was another important step both for TDN and Druidry in general. The IFN is mainly Government funded and acts as a consultative body that the Government uses to gauge religious input when legislating. For the first time in the modern era, Druidry and paganism has a voice and a seat at this very important table.

TDN’s approval was granted because, amongst other things, TDN’s Foreword to its Constitution was deemed to satisfy the definition of religious activity and structure. Our friends in the Pagan Federation also were voted on as full members as well, also satisfying the criteria for IFN membership.

For the first time in its history, the UK Inter Faith Network has two full voting pagan members. Full membership also brings with it more legal standing as being a full IFN member means that HM Government recognises Druidry, as defined in TDN’s constitution along with the stated multiple Pagan Federation practices, as legitimate religious activities which will now be afforded further legal protection under UK law.

TDN IFN Rep Neil Pitchford

TDN has a trustee representative actively engaged with the IFN organisation and discussions and initiatives from both organisations are shared with their members. Our Membership is updated and appraised of current issues through discussions in the private Members’ area and in minutes of meetings.

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