TDN @ 21… two decades plus of Druid Inspiration

The Druid Network (TDN) marks its twenty-first birthday this Imbolc having been birthed back in February 2003.

Over the years TDN has remained committed to a Druidry that is settled in seeking honourable relationship, both between ourselves and with the constantly changing and living landscapes we inhabit. Druidry as a concept, philosophy and a religion has itself evolved over millennia and TDN has played its part in the past decades; engaging with national administration and infrastructure organisations to create a religion with charitable status, and becoming a full member of the Inter Faith Network for the UK (IFN).

Through these relationships, TDN has moved its interpretation of Druidry from fringe to mainstream, and in doing so has helped promote wider acceptance of other Druid and Pagan spiritualities. TDN is an inclusive and diverse networking organisation, and is open to all persons who wish to discuss, debate and promote honourable relationship within a Druid context.

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